Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies Programs

Master of Arts in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies (MATPCS)

Track 3 - Impact

Track goal: Help students take what they learn in the program and spread it to impact the world. Students select one of three possible Impact tracks to complete their program.

Track 3a - Thought Leadership

Regardless of whether someone wants to be a coach, speaker, author, center owner, or all of the above and more, the thing that will most likely impact their success is the degree to which they can assume a thought leadership role in their area of interest. This track teaches students how to do this using well established methods that have proven successful for thousands of people. It also provides exposure to a wide variety and type of thought leaders and thought leadership methods to help students identify which areas and types of thought leadership they are best suited for.

Required Courses:

MATPCS 6713 and MATPCS 6714

(6 units total)

The thought leadership space is vast. These courses exposes you to a wide range of highly successful thought leaders and models. Models covered include: coaching, writing, speaking, workshops, retreats, classes, festivals, non-profits, media, social media, organizing and content curation, center and facility operation, and more. Areas covered include: personal and societal transformation, personal development and self-help, spiritual and religious development, medical and clinical, consciousness, philosophy, and more. By the time you have completed these courses, you will have identified the areas, modalities, and shape that your influence on the world will take.


(3 units)

EA is the leading thought leader training program on the market today. It covers the details of highly successful positioning, product creation, promotion and brand creation, distribution, partnerships, and much more. It is literally an A-Z course drawn from the experience of several of today’s most influential thought leaders, and has been used by thousands of people across a wide range of thought spaces. The course is structured with assignments that lead you by the hand and take you step-by-step into a position of thought leadership in your chosen field.


(3 units)

To be a successful influencer, you need to be comfortable with selling – even if you are only trying to give away your ideas. The vast majority of people have negative reactions to initiating a sales process. Yet, it is possible to sell from your heart, and with your heart. It’s about loving your offerings, the process of sharing them, and those who consume them. The Heart Selling process is a paradigm shift from push marketing to pull marketing. The opposite of Heart Selling is Hard Selling, which is nothing more than pushing customers to buy under the pretext of 'problem solving.' Heart Selling teaches you the art and science of fostering and enhancing your customer’s love to consume what you have to offer.

MATPCS 672x-679x

Just as with Tracks 1 and 2, these can be selected from Sofia's existing catalog or from outside programs we have evaluated and approved for credit. For more information, see the electives section later in this program guide.

Track 3b - Organizational Transformation

Personal transformation often leads to a desire to share the beneficial changes experienced with the world. Many people are committed to their careers and the organizations that employ them. Regardless of their position or degree of authority, they see their work life as an opportunity to share their transformation with the world, and help others grow. This track addresses that desire, by providing a background in conscious business and conscious organizational transformation.

Required Courses:


(3 units)

Organizations can become engines for transformation, and the transformation they engender can ripple back to them in ways that help them to thrive like never before. In recent years entirely new models have sprung up that are making this a reality. This course covers the basics of topics like conscious capitalism, conscious organizations, and conscious organizational transformation. In it you’ll learn how even the smallest unit within an organization can become a powerful force for positive transformation, both for its stakeholders and the world.


(3 units)

Harvard Business School and many other leading universities employ the ‘case study’ system of learning. Case study learning involves careful dissection of all or part of an organization or organizational situation, within the context that it occurred. The general idea is that it provides a more complete picture to learn from. This course employs this highly effective strategy to examine conscious organizations and how enterprises both transition into conscious organizations as well as evolve once they have.


(3 units)

The area of conscious organizations and conscious organizational transformation moves very quickly. It’s an exciting and highly innovative field. This course covers the current leading edge, with facts, figures, and case studies to help you understand the state of the art and where the trends are heading.

MATPCS 682x-689x

Just as with Tracks 1 and 2, these can be selected from Sofia's existing catalog or from outside programs we have evaluated and approved for credit. For more information, see the electives section later in this program guide.

Track 3c – Research in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies

Required Courses:


(4 units)

This course gives you a comprehensive overview of the qualitative and quantitative research methods that can be used in used in your thesis work. Your thesis will be one of the most significant things you do in your life. Research done for it is only as good as the methods employed. Our program is highly rigorous in its research requirements. This course provides you with the understanding you need to carry out successful and credible scientific research.


(2 units)

A survey course of the latest and greatest research opportunities that are available in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. Although fascinating on its own, you’ll use this class for brainstorming and getting a feel for what areas might be interesting to explore with your thesis work.


(2 units)

This course prepares you for the steps ahead in your thesis process. It helps you to formulate an initial direction, understand how to find and recruit your thesis advisor, and determine the steps involved in designing your research proposal, conducting the research, writing up your thesis, and more. By the time you complete this course you will have a strong grasp of what is required for you to research and write a successful master’s thesis.

MATPCS 6924-6926

(12 unites)

There are a number of steps which are required to complete your master’s thesis. First you must figure out what you want to study, and have a rough formulation of your research question. Next you find a thesis advisor who will oversee and guide your work. Then you work with your advisor to finalize your research question, and the methods you will use to conduct the research itself. This leads to the creation of your research proposal, which must be approved by your advisor before you can continue. Finally you conduct the research, analyze the data, write it up, and work with your advisor to get an approved final version. You can expect this process to take at least three quarters, though it may take longer depending upon the nature of your research question.

MATPCS 692x-698x

Just as with Tracks 1 and 2, these can be selected from Sofia's existing catalog or from outside programs we have evaluated and approved for credit. Based on a student’s prior knowledge, and his or her choice of thesis topic, the thesis advisor may require additional, specialized courses prior to beginning the thesis research process. For example, a student seeking to complete a quantitative dissertation may be required to complete a statistics course if the student does not have prior formal education in that area. It is important for research students to keep this in mind as they plan their program.

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